Saturday, 11 March 2017

List of Asperger Traits - Part 2

List - Part 2

  • Can come out with off the wall comments that can shock or surprise people.

  • Great trouble reading or understanding social cues.

  • Can have a lot of deep heavy feelings going on inside without knowing how to communicate them properly to others. ***

  • Lacking in a sense of humour. Mostly unable to understand jokes - misinterpretation of jokes.

  • A big tendency to keep things to oneself.

  • A high or above average intelligence level with a broad range of general knowledge.

  • Like a big kid socially.

  • Things are often extremely "black and white" or very rigid.

  • Not good at cause and effect.

  • Can quite often have a very blank or confused look in some social situations.

  • Trouble joining in with other people's conversations, perhaps only standing there looking at/or listening to the other people involved in the conversation.

  • A tendancy to use really formal, technical or elaborate language.

  • Hard to understand people leaving, dying, going away, not speaking anymore.

  • Sometimes hard to understand a point of view - it can be like talking to a brick wall.

  • Can be stuck in a timewarp.

  • Can be totally disorganised.

  • May be vulnerable.

  • Can make the same mistakes over and over without learning.

  • Can severely misinterpret things.

  • Little or no understanding of time or numbers.

  • Can be overwhelmed by sensory and information overload and life's pressures.

  • Can be so focussed on one thing that everything else is forgotten.

  • Competitive and wanting to be first.

  • Can be blinkered on a lot of things - waling in a minefield past signs.

  • Great anxiety staying in totally new places, especially overnight.
Thank you Megan Hammond for this list which I have found invaluable. I very much enjoyed the book too which I purchased off Amazon. ISBN 9781741107883

Megan Hammond - My Life With Asperger's.

List of Aserger's traits - Part 1

I thought I would share this with other females/males who have Asperger's as it really resonated with me, more so even than Tania Marshall and Samantha Craft's lists (brilliant as they are).

It was compiled by a woman called Megan Hammond - My Life with Asperger's, so all credit goes to her. I am merely relating them as they may well help someone, as they did me.

* Please note that I believe that this list applies to many males also as I recognise lots of my own son in this list.

I asterisked the one about having very deep feelings because for me personally, that has been one of the most painful aspects of having this syndrome. A feeling of complete isolation and an inability to connect that feeling to anything or anyone.

The List - Part 1

  • The inability to communciate properly with others.

  • Age inappropriate behaviour and actions.

  • Quirky little habits, rituals or ritualistic actions.

  • Repetitive behaviour, obsessive actions, liking repetitive sounds, music or sequences.

  • The inability to adjust to changes in routines.

  • Trouble starting new things, without support or direction.

  • Loner, aloof behaviour which can impair relating to other people.

  • Mostly more comfortable with studying or trying to understand people on television, DVD or through books.

  • Can take things too literally.

  • The inability to judge people's character properly.

  • Obsessive about a few subjects.

  • Dramatically overreact to very simple events that don't upset other people.

  • A tendency to talk "at" people instead of "to people".

  • Can retreat into a private little world when faced with uncomfortable or new situations.