Monday, 2 March 2015

Discovering Aspergers.

I mentioned before that I had no idea what Asperger Syndrome was. I had heard about Autism and how many parents believed that the MMR injection had caused it in their children. I had heard about Asperger Syndrome but never really understood what it was.
I expect a lot of people are like this. Unless you have a reason to discover what it means then it may just float across your horizon and then it is gone.
As I was getting older, the pressure on myself to fit in with other people was beginning to lessen. I came to the conclusion that I just did not really want to go anywhere (I mean really "want" to) and I found being at home a kind of Nirvana, a feeling of bliss. a feeling of utter contentment.
Going out to the shops, even the local one five minutes away was such hard work. I know this is not agoraphobia in the strictest sense. It was more of an extreme reluctance.
I am wandering off the path a bit here!
Anyway, I was really looking for some way to help my son who was going through a tough time, feeling his brain would explode from thinking and having melt downs. It was upsetting.
I will do a separate post about that another time.
I was also reading about introverted people. People like me who closed the door behind them on a Friday night after work, not to venture out again until Monday morning.
Someone mentioned that they were like this but they also had AS so that got me looking at a list of AS symptoms, particularly those in adult women.
To say I was blown away is an understatement! Here was my life in front of me. Nearly every  symptom resonated with me to some degree. Here was the answer to the mystery of me and my impressions of being defective and not belonging with other people.
I usually have doubts about being sure of something. How can I be sure of anything after the analysis that goes through my head.  Here though there was no doubt. It truly was like walking up the path to a lovely cottage with a welcoming light on, a cat sitting at the hearth and tea and scones on the table!
I was home. AS is my home and it is OK to dwell there.
I became an avid researcher and found out everything I could.

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